Volunteers are the Heart of 

Manna's Hana Riding Center!

While some of our volunteers have experience with horses or working with people with special needs, it is by no means a requirement. All of our volunteers, no matter their experience, attend an orientation to familiarize themselves with our safety and operational procedures. Without volunteers’ dedication, loyalty and hard work, it would not be possible for us to fulfill our mission. There are many individual reasons why people volunteer with us, but all provide the chance to join a thriving, nurturing community whose goal is to positively impact the lives of as many people with special needs as possible. All we need is your willingness to give of yourself and commit your time.

                VOLUNTEER TRAINING

Saturday, March 8 @10:00am

First part of the training will be inside

Please dress warm and wear closed toed shoes/boots

You will be shown how we handle our horses and have a “mock student”                     to show ways to help the student during a lesson 


PROGRAM VOLUNTEERS: assist by leading horses or walking beside students (sidewalking) during classes. Horse leaders need a general knowledge of horses. Horse leaders may assist in preparing horses for classes (grooming and tacking) and are responsible for leading horses during class. Sidewalkers do not need horse experience. They are responsible for communicating with the students and offering them physical and emotional support. Program volunteers should be willing to commit to the same day and time each week and are required to attend our introductory volunteer orientation and training session.

STABLE HELP VOLUNTEERS: Stable Hands assist with general barn chores and work directly with barn staff to care for the horses and get them ready for program (grooming/tacking). Volunteers should be willing to commit to a specified, consistent period of time each week. Volunteers help with general maintenance, repairs and improvements of the facility, including fence repair, manure management, and trail maintenance. They are required to attend our introductory volunteer orientation and training session prior to beginning their work. 

PONYPAL VOLUNTEERS: are experienced riders who have passed an evaluation qualifying them to help us school and exercise our horses when they are not working in the program.

HORSE & ME VOLUNTEERS: assist students in our non-mounted life skills lessons. Students' abilities can include ground training, equine first aid, grooming, identifying parts of the horse, and how to tack up, lead and lunge a horse.

HELPING HANDS GROUPS: Manna’s Hana is fortunate to partner with corporate and civic groups seeking a meaningful volunteering experience. We welcome the help of local organizations and can assure you your efforts will have a lasting impact on the lives of deserving students. Most group volunteer efforts involve farm projects that we design to enhance our students' therapeutic experience, benefit our therapeutic horses or help us maintain a safe and beautiful environment at Manna’s Hana Riding Center. We are also open to discussing other project ideas with your group.

OTHER VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: on an as-needed basis, Manna’s Hana also requires volunteer help with special events, administrative tasks and skilled work such as carpentry, sewing and photography.  Depending on the scope of the task(s), special-assignment volunteers may be asked to attend our introductory volunteer orientation and training session prior to beginning their work.



Join Our Team

For an application email mannahana@gmail.com 

or visit our facility and pick up an application in person