Manna's Hana Therapeutic Programs
Recreational/Therapeutic Riding
Recreational/Therapeutic riding’s unique benefits are derived from the transfer of movement from horse to rider. For people with special needs, riding can be a especially powerful and liberating experience.
Lessons include instruction in basic riding skills as well as opportunities for social interaction, recreation, sport, therapeutic, and work with basic developmental concepts. Activities exercise both “mind and muscle” and can produce improved mobility, balance, posture, coordination, language development, behavior control and concentration.
Horse & Me Life Skills Class (Students unable to ride with health issues or over 160 Pounds)
Manna’s Hana offers people with special needs the opportunity to participate in non-riding activities that still incorporate therapeutic human-horse interaction. Our equine learning and barn education program is a hands on learning experience. Lessons are adapted to the students' abilities and can include ground training, equine first aid, grooming, identifying parts of the horse, and how to tack up, lead and lunge a horse. Other opportunities include pasture and barn maintenance.
Download your New Participant Application Packet here:
Download your Returning Participant Application Packet here:
Applications can also be picked up at Manna's Hana Riding Center
or by email for a copy to be sent to you